An outrageous show about a wandering Jew on British soil. A tale of old hate, new guilt, shifting privilege and unconscious BS. [continue reading]
A piece for four actors and live electronics exploring the Isreali political discourse, its limits, exclusions, and subconcious. The piece is composed of extracts from op-eds, interviews, and comment sections edited together to create a painful, complex, absurd drama. [Continue reading]
Custodian- An Oratorio for a Choir that Acts (2018), combines the Biblical myth of Naboth’s vineyard with the real story of the Jewish National Fund’s (JNF) attempts to evict a Palestinian family... [continue reading]
The Opera Word Problems (2016) is composed entirely of Israeli school textbooks set to music. It embodies the seemingly trivial areas of education such as scientific class experiments, mathematical word problems, and grammatical examples... [continue reading]
Cyrus was the king of what was then the biggest empire in history. In the Hebrew Bible he is told to have been commanded by God to return the Jews from exile and build the second temple... [continue reading]
Moskubiya (2012) for six instrumentalists, is a musicians street theater piece that composes different tactics of torture in investigations. It is the story of five musicians trying to force a flutist to speak... [continue reading]
Moskubiya (2012) for six instrumentalists, is a musicians street theater piece that composes different tactics of torture in investigations. It is the story of five musicians trying to force a flutist to speak... [continue reading]
A Dramatic song cycle from Udi Nir's unpublished play "The Wanderer" which tells the story of a wanderer in a city torn by war and hunger... [continue reading]